Glenda Ullauri invited Jan Poppendieck, Senior Faculty Fellow from the CUNY Urban Food Policy Institute, to share food insecurity initiatives that have been implemented at various CUNY Campuses. The meeting was well attended by staff from the KCC Farm, members of the Physical Education and Recreation Dept. faculty, staff from the Student Counseling Center as well as two students, one from KCC currently enrolled in HE-42 health and nutrition, and one student from Lehman (former KCC student) who has been working on a food pantry initiative project.
After learning about several initiatives at other campuses the group brainstormed some possibilities for further improving student awareness of the availability of food on campus. It was suggested that like Lehman College, KCC put the location of the campus food pantry on Blackboard. Also Couch Bain suggested that the food committee at KCC revisit serving leftover food at the end of the day free of charge in The Seaside Cafe. It was also suggested that faculty add a short paragraph on their syllabuses regarding food availability on campus. The location and hours of the pantry hours were also discussed with regard to ease of accessibility throughout the day and evening hours. It was also noted that perhaps some faculty also may at times need access to food pantry resources.
It was decided that those interested would work on compiling a short paragraph to be included in syllabuses over the winter semester as a beginning point from the above discussions.