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Farm, Food, and Health FIG 11/11/21


Meetings attendees: Shannon, Alan, Mimi, Mary, Kevicha

  • Shannon gave an update on the KCC Community Farm and Garden
  • Discussed the Jamaica Bay Resiliency Consortium and how we might get involved with them as Faculty Members
  • Talked about Floyd Bennet Field Community Garden
  • Brainstormed an event for Spring where we bring back a graduate who became very active in community gardening to speak with our students
  • Semester Wrap up. Agreed FIG will run again in spring

FIG will meet again in Spring 2022

Farm, Food, and Health FIG meeting 10/12/2021


Meetings attendees: Naxielly Dominguez, Shannon Caravello, MaryLou Fierle, Kevicha Echols, Gail Larkin, Kathy Giamo, and Jennifer Mitchell.

  • Shannon gave an update on the KCC Community Farm and Garden
  • Discussed ways to have students involved in projects
  • Went over the Service Learning program available to students
  • Continued discussion on research at the farm

FIG will meet again on 11/11/21 at 3 pm

KCC Farm, Food, and Health FIG Meeting Notes 9/28-2021


Meetings attendees:  Naxielly, Shannon, Mimi, Danielle, Nancy, Midori, Gail L., Kathy

  • Shannon gave an update on the KCC Community Farm and Garden by presenting a slide show on the prior and current state as well as sharing the anticipated changes.
  • Danielle LeCorps, the new KCC Community Farm and Garden joined the meeting and introduced herself
  • Discussed that the KCC CFG will be undergoing renovations and is unavailable this semester for tours, and visits, etc.
  • Discussed ways that we can include interesting and creative events with our students in connection with the re-opening of the KCC CFG in the spring semester.
  • Invitation to do research on the GCF and what that might look like. Discussed current research project being done in the space.
  • Shared info on logo redesign contest which will be of particular interest to graphic design and fine art students and alumni.

FIG will meet again on 10/12 at 4:15 pm