In attendance: Shannon Caravello, Glenda Ullauri, Mary Lou Fierle, Jennifer Mitchell, Cris Izaguirre
- Intros
-gender pronoun
-if you were a vegetable, what vegetable/plant would you be? why?
- Food Day, Wednesday Nov 1
-confirmed line up
–1) View the trailer for Seed: The Untold story
How would we like to facilitate the movie screening?
-MAC rotunda
-layout: ask if we can close the blinds to be able to project
Mimi’s class (health and nutrition)
-interested in:
-food and stress issues
-digestive issues related to genetics
-different diets (culture)
-time management and cooking (healthy fast food options)
-excessive sugars and carbs
Other ideas:
-looking at food diversity in school food
III. Fall Workshops
-cover crop Friday Oct 13
-garlic planting Friday Oct 20
-what other workshops would you like to see offered?
- Farm Tours
-show link, schedule tours if possible
- Other collaborations
-what projects are people working on that could use support
- Closing
-schedule next meeting