Farm FIG Meeting Agenda
Tuesday 3/27/18
Welcome Back and Introductions:
In attendance: Shannon Caravello, Glenda Ullauri, Mabel Chee, Raogni Malworra, Mary Lou Fierle, Jennifer Mitchel, Bin Chen, Selina Duah, Jenny Radtke
- Glenda Farm Announcements & Check-in. Continuing Education Class, skill share interest.
Farm is getting ready by cleaning, propagation, hiring student aides and program planning. Glenda is offering a Gardening for food Justice Continuing Education course. We discussed possibility of skill share/ workshops for upcoming semester to be offered after 5 pm for faculty, staff and students. - Jennifer Radtke student Active Learning projects update
Jenny brought 3 students from her English classes to join us for the Farm Fig and they were very interested in the Fig as they are preparing student active learning projects in the spring. The Fig discussed the possibility of assisting Jenny and her students as they present either at Eco Fest or as a stand alone event. Jenny will keep us posted. Shannon offered to assist students with putting health material together - New Urban Ag HS6000 Course Update
Shannon reported in about the new urban agriculture class, which is a 3 credit Pathways course that she created that is running for the first time this Spring. students are excited, have already visited the farm and will be taking care of there very own class bed.
- Eco fest: What will our presence be? Can we assist the farm in any way or host a screening?
Farm will already be hosting a Micro Green tabling for the event and Eco Fest seems to already have a full schedule. We will look into it further, but we need to reach out to Eco Fest earlier in the Fall semester to better plan an event/ activity at Eco Fest. It may make more sense for us to partner with Jenny Radtke and her students and assist them instead of Eco Fest this year.
- Resources: Dropbox Farm Fig Shared curriculum for new members
Reminder to reach out to Shannon at [email protected] with an email adress so that she can grant you access to curriculum and research. - Open Member Discussion – ideas for next agenda submitted