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Author Archives: Dr. Shannon Caravello
Farm, Food, and Health FIG 3/14/22
Meetings attendees: Shannon, Jenny, Kathy, Jennifer, Gail, Tanzina, Hattie
- Shannon gave an update on the KCC Community Farm and Garden
- Discussed reaching out to the KCC Retiree Association
- Earth-based yoga at the garden event
- Discussed research events at the next meeting and agreed to have Tanzina present
- A general conversation regarding ways to include the Farm and health education
FIG will meet again on Monday, April 11th at 3 pm
Farm, Food, and Health FIG 11/11/21
Meetings attendees: Shannon, Alan, Mimi, Mary, Kevicha
- Shannon gave an update on the KCC Community Farm and Garden
- Discussed the Jamaica Bay Resiliency Consortium and how we might get involved with them as Faculty Members
- Talked about Floyd Bennet Field Community Garden
- Brainstormed an event for Spring where we bring back a graduate who became very active in community gardening to speak with our students
- Semester Wrap up. Agreed FIG will run again in spring
FIG will meet again in Spring 2022
Farm, Food, and Health FIG meeting 10/12/2021
Meetings attendees: Naxielly Dominguez, Shannon Caravello, MaryLou Fierle, Kevicha Echols, Gail Larkin, Kathy Giamo, and Jennifer Mitchell.
- Shannon gave an update on the KCC Community Farm and Garden
- Discussed ways to have students involved in projects
- Went over the Service Learning program available to students
- Continued discussion on research at the farm
FIG will meet again on 11/11/21 at 3 pm
KCC Farm, Food, and Health FIG Meeting Notes 9/28-2021
Meetings attendees: Naxielly, Shannon, Mimi, Danielle, Nancy, Midori, Gail L., Kathy
- Shannon gave an update on the KCC Community Farm and Garden by presenting a slide show on the prior and current state as well as sharing the anticipated changes.
- Danielle LeCorps, the new KCC Community Farm and Garden joined the meeting and introduced herself
- Discussed that the KCC CFG will be undergoing renovations and is unavailable this semester for tours, and visits, etc.
- Discussed ways that we can include interesting and creative events with our students in connection with the re-opening of the KCC CFG in the spring semester.
- Invitation to do research on the GCF and what that might look like. Discussed current research project being done in the space.
- Shared info on logo redesign contest which will be of particular interest to graphic design and fine art students and alumni.
FIG will meet again on 10/12 at 4:15 pm
KCC Farm, Food, and Health FIG Meeting Notes 5/26/21
Meetings attendees: Michael, Maureen, Kevicha, Naxielly, Shannon, Mimi, Jennifer
- Shannon gave an update on the KCC Community Farm and Garden. She will serve as a part-time administrator going forward. The new gardener will be hired hopefully by end of June. We need to plan a volunteer day to tackle the weeds. Doodle was sent out to FIG on 5/28 to see if there are any volunteers. Everything is being redeveloped and will take some time to have everything set in place.
- Maureen gave us an update on the Food Studies concentration and was excited to report that there is some positive movement in that direction. She will keep us posted as things progress.
- We discussed ordering an accessibility bed for front of the Farm space as well as different ways to have more accessibility content on the farm. Discussions of creating links between courses brought up some ideas about great collaboration opportunities between different departments and what that might look like.
FIG will convene again in the fall.
KCC Farm, Food, and Health FIG meeting, Wednesday, April 14th notes
Fig was held on Wednesday, April 14th from 3:30-4:30 pm.
Attendance: Shannon, Mimi, Midori, and Kathy.
- Farm Update – we spent a good deal of time discussing the proposed changes to the Farm space. We discussed how changing the name from Urban Farm to KCC Community Farm and Garden can open up opportunities for grants and funding. Re-positioning the space helps meet criteria for very specific grant requirements. Discussion as to what the new roles on the farm would be, how faculty, staff, and the community may be able to interact with the re-imagined space, and ideas on how we could include more learning and research opportunities on the Community Farm and Garden for our students.
- Accessibility – discussion around the need to improve accessibility in the space for our faculty, staff, and students. We discussed potential ways that might happen, shared stories of our students struggles in the space, and discussed how grants may assist in this. We also discussed the Recreational Therapy program’s potential use of the space.
- Interdisciplinary event Ideas – discussed a variety of ideas to enhance the new farm/ garden space including potential contests for students to redesign the logo as well as include photography, artwork on gates, and potentially do some form of a mural project if allowed. Discussion surrounding other events such as yoga activities and other physical activites.
Next meeting scheduled for Wednesday, May 26th at 3:30 pm. Email Shannon for Zoom information.
Farm, Food, and Health FIG Meeting I March 30th, 2021
Fig was held on Tuesday, March 30th from 3:30-4:30 pm.
Attendance: Shannon, Mimi, Tanzina, Michael, Jennifer, Midori, Naxielly, and Mabel.
- Welcome Back! Spring growing update and pics – Tanzina updated us on Food Access Research project and invited everyone to participate in ongoing study for students. Shannon presented a brief presentation of growing images from members, as well as a variety of training and pedagogical resource opportunities available for spring.
- Farm Update – interesting changes are coming to the farm – Shannon gave an update on the results of the Farm re-imagining committee. The proposal is now with President for approval of the new direction of space: Community Farm and Garden. Increased funding opportunities and new ways to use space for all on campus, as well as community.
- DropBox Update – the creation of a more comprehensive repository of pedogeological OER, growing guides, research, etc. – this will happen over time this semester and when complete, members can request access and be able to contribute. This way we have a nice library of OER and research to dip into for our classrooms and research.
- Food Access Syllabus Statement Discussion – what exists now, how can we contribute – We will continue with this task next meeting. Tanzina graciously shared an editable copy of her pamphlet as well as a statement that she currently uses. Will share with members via email, and will all come back to table next meeting with some tweaks. While others on campus may be working on this, we would like to share a statement from the FIG in addition to that.
- Grow Your Spirit Discussion – Gail will present next meeting on how she has been making this work. Members are asked to come up with ideas on how to incorporate this new initiative that will tie in well with the new farm/ community garden space.
- Event Ideas – workshops, movie screenings, come with your thoughts – Midori shared info on a great speaker Tom Angotti, we discussed having some great art projects tied in with the community garden space. Chef Dominguez shared ways to do cooking demos with students as well as with early childhood/ continuing education.
Next meeting scheduled for Wednesday, April 14th at 3:30 pm. Email Shannon for Zoom information.
Farm, Food, & Health FIG, May 6th, 2020 Meeting Notes
Attendance: Shannon, Mimi, Robert, Tara, Midori, Patrick, Tommy, Tanzina, Olympia, Jenny, Cris, Maya, Glenda, Gerry
This was a well-attended meeting that started with the Farm folks joining us for our online meeting. They expressed needs as their budget is anticipating unprecedented cuts. They requested assistance with grant writing, testimonials, and volunteer assistance (later when they have a process in place and particularly for those who have experience. We agreed that Wednesday, May 20th meeting would be dedicated to an in-depth discussion on how we can help the farm.
The rest of the meeting consisted of Shannon presenting a “Grow at Home/ seed starting” presentation as requested at prior meeting. There was a lot of interest for this topic and Shannon will host another session on Wednesday, May 20th, at 4pm for those who could not make it or had connectivity issues. This presentation was well received as it was educational and provided faculty and staff with an outlet during these difficult times (social distancing and quarantine due to COVID 19). Faculty and staff shared images and discussed what they were doing at home and shared tips and tricks. Presentation and supporting documentation was provided to all in attendance via email afterward.
Farm, Food, & Health FIG April 29th, 2020 Meeting Notes
Attendance: Shannon Caravello, Olympia Gibson, Tanzina Ahmed, Tommy Mintz, Mimi Fierle.
Due to COVID 19 and campus closures, the meeting was held via BB Collaborate. The name change from Farm FIG to Farm, Food, & Health FIG was discussed as a way to open up the topic to other related areas and attract more members. Members discussed how they would like to talk more about opportunities for sharing and discussing research ideas and opportunities. We had decided to set up a meeting aside from the FIG that may be beneficial for those on campus engaged in food studies and agricultural research. The date is TBD and the main members interested were Shannon and Tanzina. Other members wanted to discuss more information on sharing resources with students as well as how to get started on starting seeds and growing in their own homes, especially during these times of social isolation. Members also engaged in conversation about food access and shared what they were making at home. A discussion concerning people needing to learn shopping and cooking skills and how many people have lost touch with their roots through modern conveniences took place as well.
It was decided that our next online session on May 6th would be about home seed starting and growing as that would be fun and relaxing for members in this unprecedented time. Shannon uploaded a large amount of material to the shared DropBox for this activity and she also shared the Dropbox access with the new members. Members also discussed possibly hosting a Netflix Party with a movie screening for faculty and staff this semester. Shannon called for movie suggestions by May 6th and will go ahead and finalize details on May 6th. Tanzina also shared her most recent research outcomes with the FIG via email afterward that looked at Food Insecurity.
Spring Meeting 3/27/18 Notes
Farm FIG Meeting Agenda
Tuesday 3/27/18
Welcome Back and Introductions:
In attendance: Shannon Caravello, Glenda Ullauri, Mabel Chee, Raogni Malworra, Mary Lou Fierle, Jennifer Mitchel, Bin Chen, Selina Duah, Jenny Radtke
- Glenda Farm Announcements & Check-in. Continuing Education Class, skill share interest.
Farm is getting ready by cleaning, propagation, hiring student aides and program planning. Glenda is offering a Gardening for food Justice Continuing Education course. We discussed possibility of skill share/ workshops for upcoming semester to be offered after 5 pm for faculty, staff and students. - Jennifer Radtke student Active Learning projects update
Jenny brought 3 students from her English classes to join us for the Farm Fig and they were very interested in the Fig as they are preparing student active learning projects in the spring. The Fig discussed the possibility of assisting Jenny and her students as they present either at Eco Fest or as a stand alone event. Jenny will keep us posted. Shannon offered to assist students with putting health material together - New Urban Ag HS6000 Course Update
Shannon reported in about the new urban agriculture class, which is a 3 credit Pathways course that she created that is running for the first time this Spring. students are excited, have already visited the farm and will be taking care of there very own class bed.
- Eco fest: What will our presence be? Can we assist the farm in any way or host a screening?
Farm will already be hosting a Micro Green tabling for the event and Eco Fest seems to already have a full schedule. We will look into it further, but we need to reach out to Eco Fest earlier in the Fall semester to better plan an event/ activity at Eco Fest. It may make more sense for us to partner with Jenny Radtke and her students and assist them instead of Eco Fest this year.
- Resources: Dropbox Farm Fig Shared curriculum for new members
Reminder to reach out to Shannon at [email protected] with an email adress so that she can grant you access to curriculum and research. - Open Member Discussion – ideas for next agenda submitted